Who We Are?

Our Mission

LifeRitam mission is to empower seniors to improve their health, reduce costs of care, improve quality of life and maintain independance.

We offer cutting-edge wellness digital transformation through latest technology – Smart Sensors, IoT, Data Sciences and AI.

Our Vision

Improve wellness outcomes.

Develop innovative & practical solutions to improve wellness & healthy living.


Thanks to our strong focus on a segment of our population and on cutting-edge technology to serve our mission, and our ability to help seniors achieve positive outcomes, it is our great privilege to be able to enable wellness, healthy aging and independence to our seniors.


At LifeRitam, we offer smart, assistive technology for seniors and care givers. It is important that seniors are provided with the support they need for healthy aging.

We believe that better wellness for health outcomes come from better engagement.

At the heart of our strategy is cutting-edge technology – Smart Sensors, IoT, AI, Wireless Technology, Mobile & Cloud.